KnowledgeFest 2024 Web Header




Showroom to Fab Room – Sharing a Polished Appearance with your Clients

Instructor(s): Kimberly Trainer and Dalton Trainer from Car-Tunes, Inc.
Track: Owner - Manager
Location: 103 A
Sign Up: [Click Here]
Description: From the showroom to the fab room, you must impress your clients with a polished appearance! Your language, physical appearance, facility cleanliness, and project presentations MUST represent your professionalism in an efficient manner to gain trust and overcome any client objections. From the business owner and sales professional’s perspective to the installer/fabricator’s point of view. This presentation will show proven methods for all positions to correct the silent mistakes affecting your closing rate and start a line of new clients knocking on your door?
Top Take-aways: Gain Efficient Communication & Presentation Techniques that will Unify a Common Polished Presentation from Sales Professionals, Installers, & Fabricators alike. Achieve a Higher Close Rate while Validating a Higher Labor Rate.
Who should attend: Owners, Sales Professionals, Installers/Fabricators looking to streamline an effective presentation to upscale clientele & increase profitability for all positions on your team.

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