Instructor: Juan Castillo - Suono Car Audio
Pista: Técnico - Fabricante
Ubicación: De Soto A
Únete: [Haga clic aquí]
Descripción: De poco sirve tener los mejores aparatos, altavoces o una impresionante instalación, si no están bien realizados los ajustes. En esta presentación abordaremos de manera simple pero contundente, los ajustes básicos por los que todo equipo debe de pasar para lograr su máximo potencial. Ya sea que se trate de un simple equipo con dos amplificadores o estemos poniendo a punto un DSP.
Principales conclusiones: a break down for the basic adjustments that every system needs to reach its full potential.
¿A quién va dirigido?: Technicians and fabricators looking to understanding why what they installed does not sound like it should.
Instructor: Juan Castillo - Suono Car Audio
Track: Technician - Fabricator
Location: De Soto A
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Description: Having top-notch electronics, high-quality speakers, or an eye-catching neon-lit setup is all well and good, but without proper final tuning, it's all in vain. In this presentation, we'll break down the basic adjustments that every system needs to reach its full potential, whether you're working with a simple two-amplifier setup or fine-tuning a DSP.
Top Take-a-ways: A break down for the basic adjustments that every system needs to reach its full potential.
Who should attend: Technicians and fabricators looking to understanding why what they installed does not sound like it should.